Barcelona Style Cannelloni

For the béchamel sauce, we follow the normal procedure. We melt the butter, add the flour and make a roux. Once done, it can be stored in the fridge and used whenever needed. We add cold milk, salt, pepper, and nutmeg on low heat and stir it until it has a beautiful velvety texture.

To start, we prepare the fresh pasta, as it needs to rest for a couple of hours. We make a volcano with the flour and add the eggs, salt, and oil. We gradually mix the dough until we can knead it. We work it for a while so that all the ingredients are well combined. It should be elastic. We reserve it to roll it out later and make the cannelloni sheets.

For the filling…

We chop the meat with a knife. Texture is important.

Fry the chopped onion with the 90 grams of butter until transparent, add the flour and make a roux. Add the cold milk, salt, pepper and nutmeg over a low heat and bind together to form a thick béchamel sauce.

Add the minced meat and the roast meat juice to the béchamel sauce and mix well. Leave to cool and set aside with cling film to prevent it from drying out.

Next, we make the cannelloni by filling the pasta, and we place them in individual trays or in a large tray. We cover them with béchamel, tomato sauce, grated cheese on top, and put them in the oven to gratin.


300 g Goat Cheese

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